
Math Notepad supports all common functions (such as sin, sqrt, exp) and operators (such as a + b, a - b, a * b, a / b). Parts of the expression can be enclosed in brackets (...) to override the default order of calculation.


All available functions are listed below:

Algebraderivative, leafCount, lsolve, lsolveAll, lup, lusolve, lyap, polynomialRoot, qr, rationalize, resolve, schur, simplify, simplifyConstant, simplifyCore, slu, sylvester, symbolicEqual, usolve, usolveAll
Arithmeticabs, cbrt, ceil, cube, exp, expm, expm1, fix, floor, gcd, hypot, invmod, lcm, log, log10, log1p, log2, norm, nthRoot, nthRoots, round, sign, sqrt, sqrtm, square, xgcd
BitwisebitAnd, bitNot, bitOr, bitXor, leftShift, rightArithShift, rightLogShift
CombinatoricsbellNumbers, catalan, composition, stirlingS2
Complexarg, conj, im, re
ConstantsE, Infinity, LN10, LN2, LOG10E, LOG2E, NaN, PI, SQRT1_2, SQRT2, e, false, i, null, phi, pi, tau, true, version
Constructionbignumber, boolean, complex, createUnit, fraction, index, matrix, number, sparse, splitUnit, string, unit
Coreconfig, import, typed
Expressionevaluate, help
Geometrydistance, intersect
Logicaland, not, or, xor
Matrixcolumn, concat, count, cross, ctranspose, det, diag, diff, dot, eigs, fft, filter, flatten, forEach, getMatrixDataType, identity, ifft, inv, kron, map, matrixFromColumns, matrixFromFunction, matrixFromRows, ones, partitionSelect, pinv, reshape, resize, rotate, rotationMatrix, row, size, sort, squeeze, subset, trace, transpose, zeros
Operatorsadd, divide, dotDivide, dotMultiply, dotPow, mod, multiply, pow, subtract, unaryMinus, unaryPlus
Probabilitycombinations, combinationsWithRep, factorial, gamma, kldivergence, lgamma, multinomial, permutations, pickRandom, random, randomInt
Relationalcompare, compareNatural, compareText, deepEqual, equal, equalText, larger, largerEq, smaller, smallerEq, unequal
SetsetCartesian, setDifference, setDistinct, setIntersect, setIsSubset, setMultiplicity, setPowerset, setSize, setSymDifference, setUnion
Signalfreqz, zpk2tf
Specialerf, zeta
Statisticscorr, cumsum, mad, max, mean, median, min, mode, prod, quantileSeq, std, sum, variance
Trigonometryacos, acosh, acot, acoth, acsc, acsch, asec, asech, asin, asinh, atan, atan2, atanh, cos, cosh, cot, coth, csc, csch, sec, sech, sin, sinh, tan, tanh
Utilsbin, clone, format, hasNumericValue, hex, isInteger, isNaN, isNegative, isNumeric, isPositive, isPrime, isZero, numeric, oct, print, typeOf